Friday, August 14, 2009

Prague, the perfect city, if that's what you're into.

If you scroll down a little further you'll see I managed to get some photos up. They aren't the most recent shots, because those are mostly blurry, die to some recent troubles my lens has been giving me. But atleast I was able to get some pics online for everyone viewing pleasure. It helps that I am at a great hostel in Berlin with some nice computes with card readers, free Internet, fast computers, etc. The hostel also has ping pong, foose ball, bikes, 1 euro beer, movies, video games, books. And its in a huge park a few miles from the city. The staff is actually helpful, too. Which is a change from some of the recent places I've stayed.

Now I'll turn my attention back to Prague, where I have wandered around for the past few days. And after careful consideration of what to compare Prague to. I have come up the Playboy Mansion. Because everything is too perfect. You think to yourself that it cant be real. Are all this buildings really this stylish and classic? Much like you'd say while walking the grounds of the mansion, are these girls really from this planet?
It seemed like Prage was too good to be true, there was zero trash in the tourist quarter/old city. All the flowers were blossoming, all the streets were cobbled. Much like at the mansion where all the girls are bosomy and stunning...though usually not real. And I like my cities a little more real, this place just seemed to perfect, not gritty enough. It was like it was just made for tour groups to stroll through for the day and dine at overpriced restaurants and visit over priced museums.

I mainly wandered the cobbled streets in the day, looking at the free galleries, and most of all looking to find cool bars to visit later that evening. I believe I suceeded in my mission, I consumed a variety of tasty lagers and darker beers in my 3 days in town. From the standard Pilsner Urquell to some local micro brews with coffee and lime flavors. They have some very nice bars, once youget away from the main square. Even though the exchange rate has hurt the US dollar and Prague is a little more pricey than a few years ago, you're still only paying 2 dollars for a 500ml beer. You wont find that anywhere west of Prague in Europe.

If I do return someday, It won't be in August, and it will be with a student ID card. You get half off admission into all the attarctions, churches, museums, etc. And if I return, hopefully I will be a little more motivated. At the moment I can't stand the crowds and the constant shelling out of money to see some church or museum that I'm not completely interested in, or for that matter I don't know if most of the attractions are even worth the money.

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