Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Croatia, Loving it.

That is a photo of the main town on the island of Korcula, where i spent the last week swimming in the Adriatic, camping 5 seconds from the beach, dining on delicious home made food and enjoying myself to the highest extent.

I was only planning on spending a couple days on the island, then hopping to another island or two, but I ended up enjoying myself so much that I extended it to almost a week. I had a great campsite in the shade, right on the water and opnly a 20 minute walk to town. The whole island was super chill. It didnt have the feeling that it was over ran by tourists at all. Even though it started to get busy by the time I departed. I was expecting more noise and sleaze, but it was just peace. One Austrian I met while having a beer at the beach in Lumbarda said it like this. This is paradise, pointing to the ground, and that is Europe, pointing to the mainland. Even though it was wealthier than normal Croatia it didnt seem condescending or pretentious. Us bums and backpackers could wander relax with the rest of the locals.

After almost 7 months of pretty rough travel, this was the first time that I felt like I was on vacation. This came to me when I was drinking a beer with some local guys at a small beach a few kilometers from town, with some Bob marley playing in the background. These guys I met also had a restaurant in the town of Pupnat which they said I should check out. It was little hard to get to since it was 10k from camp, but I made it after one scary ride in a VW rabbit that i hitched a ride from. It was definitially worth the trip. I went on a saturday, which happened to be the celebration of the year in Pupnat, complete with local folk dancing with the whole clothes get up of wool socks pulled up to the knee, black trousers, red vest and big swords. The dancing was followed by copious amounts of drinking by all the locals and dining on a cow that had been roasted all day over hot coals. I didnt dine on the beef, I ate at the restaurant i was invited too. All the food their was locally grown, from the sage and cheese in the ravioli to the tomatoes and onions in the salad. And besides food, they make all their own wines and liquors which they are constantly hoisting onto your table free of charge. It was one of the pricier meals of the trip, but it was delicious and worth the treat.

The next few days were spent with some friendly Croats i met while hitchhiking to the beach. Ante and Narcissa are their names. We explored the island in their car, did some swimming, had a few beers in town and just enjoyed being on island time.

1 comment:

  1. hey slowpoke,

    we were expecting more detailed description of our characters in this 'book' ;)))

    just kidding ;)

    don't forget to go to the game in split.
