Friday, August 28, 2009

No reservations: By the numbers.

This list was compiled on some of the long and tedious travels during the 7 and a half months of travel. The numbers may not be exact, but they are careful estimates.

Number of beds slept in in each stage of the trip.

Nepal-35 (lots of hut to hut hiking)
Camping, tent, sleeping out, free, etc. 31
taking the night bus/train-11

Distance Traveled (in miles)

By foot on trails-500 (A solid guess)
By train- 2339
By Bus/van, car, rickshaw, motorcycle, donkey, grain truck, semi-truck, etc.-5483
By air-19,924
By Boat-100

Everything else

Days on the road-199
Countries visited-16 (India, Nepal, Pakistan, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Bosnia, Croatia, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Germany, Holland)
Days with out a shower-16
Cups of Chai-660 (165 days x 4 cups a day)
money spent on Chai- $66
Consecutive days being a vegetarian-33
Hangovers- 1
Photos taken-5500
Cameras Broken-1
Longest bus ride- 30 hours. Gilgit to Islamabad, Pakistan. Thank you Chinese road construction crew for the 10 hour delay.
Crazy freakouts by Japanese kid on 30 hour bus ride-1
Most expensive meal in Asia-7$ (Everest Steak House, Kathmandu)
Times staying in strangers houses in Pakistan-3 (A trip highlight)
Days trekking in Nepal-36
Highest Elevation-5840m/19140ft
Money spent on Visas- $320 India-80, Nepal-100, Pakistan-120, Turkey-20
Hottest temperature- 115F/44c
Dead bodies seen washed up on the riverbank while kayaking in India-1
Times answering the question, "Which country are you from?/ Where is your village?" 64 million.
Silk Kashmir carpets and shawls bought- 3 each, and they're all for sale. They are seriously beautiful and for you, I make good price.
Times being very ill- 2
times using hand sanitizer-0
days without shaving or trim-75
World records witnessed 1. (Usain Bolt, 100m. 9.58 seconds.)
Avg daily spending in Europe- $51. And I was going on the cheap!
Estimate of dollars a day in Asia- $13
Airlines flown-5 Yeti, Air India, KLM, Qatar, Delta.
Hours sitting on a delta plane while on the tarmac-5 (Boo Delta)

1 comment:

  1. Great post. You had me laughing. "I make good price."
