Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Rock Tigers

These are The Rock Tigers. They are a rockabilly band from Seoul. They put a ton of energy into their music and their performance. Just look at the smile on their lead singer, who goes by the name of Velvet Geena. You can tell they're happy to be making music and making people boogy. They only played for about an hour but it was phenomenal. I have been to a few shows in Busan, but I haven't seen the crowd respond to the music like they did for the Rock Tigers.

Hopefully they will get to tour the USA. They have been written up in the LA Times, as well as the New York times. You can listen to their music in the post above this one.

This show was the end to a fantastic day, and part of a very long, fun, extended weekend that started on Thursday night, and ended on Tuesday. Thanks to Buddhas birthday, the weekend, and my schools birthday, which is deemed a holiday in Korea.

Here's a very brief recap:

Took a few shots of Jameson's and listened to some tunes from the local band, Poco Lambro.

Cruised down to Haeundae beachy Friday AM for a volleyball tourney. We got spanked. Our record was 1-5. I blame the Jameson's and more talented players.

On Saturday there was beach Ultimate Frisbee tourney. Played in a light mist, that turned into a heavy downpour in the afternoon. Korean's are pretty good at ultimate, and they play waaaay harder than westerners. Was supposed to play Frisbee on Sunday but it got rained out. I would have liked to play, but 3 games of sand Frisbee will wipe even the strongest runner out. To warm up we went to a Jinjilbang, or the spa. It was fantastic and my first real experience of this unique Korean custom. This Jinjilbang was called Haeundae Leasure, and it was a treat. They had hot pools of various temps. As well as saunas of various temperatures. There were cold pools, cold showers, cold fountains. An area to devote yourself to a proper soaping and grooming, where you sit on a stool, with your shower head and soap and get yourself as clean as possible. I thought how great these places would be when i was backpacking. I could pop into a Jinjilbong and hangout for a few hours soaking, steaming, cleansing, shaving, relaxing, sleeping, swimming, all for less than 10 dollars.
The rest of Saturday it rained harder than I've seen it rain in Korea, I felt like an amateur because I had no umbrella. But we still made it out to grab some great meal, then headed out to see The Rock Tigers.

Leopard skin stand-up bass

Lead singer, Velvet Geena.

You don't see too many folks in Korea with Tattoos, and I've never seen a tattoo parlor.

Justin and I grabbed a photo with the lead singer after the show. We told here they needed to tour to Seattle.

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