Sunday, May 2, 2010

Only 43 weeks to go...not that I'm counting.

It was another glorious weekend here in Busan. for the past 3 weekends the weather has been perfect, blue skies, sunny and not too hot. I've spent a bunch of time at the beach, playing Frisbee and volleyball. I've been quite the weekend warrior. To make it even better, on monday the weather turns back to rain....except for today where it's sunny, but humid, real sticky out today. To celebrate the sun, the spring and life I went to the ball game with 20 of my closest foreign acquaintances. It was great fun. Wine, beer, soju, and beer mixed with soju were all drank in copious amounts. Ans as usual the Lotte Giants lived up to their stellar reputation as the Korean baseball's Pittsburgh Pirates, or should I say 2010 Seattle Mariners...ouch.

As you can see in the photo above, they lost 15-7, and gave up 20 hits. They've been playing for about a month now, and this is the 2nd time I've seen them allow these type of numbers. They got off to a real rocky start on Saturday. I had to deliver some tickets to some friends who showed up late. By the time we reached our seats in the top of the first, the score was 6-0. They started off the game walk-walk-infield hit-Grand Slam. But that would never dampen the spirit of the sellout crowd. There was full support all game though, with chants and songs through out the game.
Just in case part of the stadium broke or collapsed this fella could weld in back together. atleast that's what I'm assuming from his welding mask/sun visor.

I though I would share this photo with anyone who reads this thing. i just saw a cute girl and I took a photo. I thought it turned out really well. All the girls dress the same over here. It's like casual fancy. High heels, black tights with short shorts over them. Or tight skinny jeans. and the cell phone is an accessory. If it's a flip phone, it's carried in the hand, open, with the fake Louis Vuitton bag hung over the elbow.

I put this photo on here to represent what a silly job I have. I taught 6 40 minute classes last week. 5 of those classes were with Korean co-teacher who pretty much runs the show. I have my own classroom, which is the English library. I'm not bothered by other teachers, I can do what ever I want in the afternoon's after I'm done "teaching" like read, edit photos, work on my blog, day dream about quitting and doing something productive, make plans for the weekend, map out new runs on google maps that avoid the massive amounts of crappy roads and industrial sights around my area. Or check my email 50 times a day to see if my bike has arrived...Ugh.

The kids are awesome. I don't know this girls name, I call her red jacket, as she seems to wear a different red jacket everyday. It's really hard to remember Korean names. They have name tags my I can't even pronounce their names right half the time.

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