Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I have some sad news to pass along. You may remember in my post about the Annapurna circuit trek I talked about A man named Frank. He was a German living in Calgary. He was over in Nepal to climb Mt. Everest, but his trip to Tibet, where he would start his climb had been delayed for a few days, so he decided to do the Annapurna circuit for some training. My Dad and I, along with the rest of our trekking gang, met Frank In Thorung Phedi and we trekked up to, and over Thorung La, the high point of the circuit. He then carried onto Jomson, and then was heading back to Kathmandu to get ready for his climb.

Unfortunately Frank's climb ended in tragedy. He made it to the top of the highest mountain in the world, but he was unable to safely return to his camp and he died on the mountain. I now remember Frank telling me that 85% of the deaths on Everest occur on the descent, that now seems to be very eerie.

I only knew this man for a few hours, and I've never been influenced by someone so much in such a small amount of time. He was so humble, driven and kind. He carried my dad's heavy pack to the top of the pass for him. He said he just wanted some extra training, but I thought it was pretty damn nice to offer. For the rest of my time in Nepal I was telling stories about Frank. About eating garlic and peppers to stay healthy and warm at elevation. How Viagra was great for altitude sickness. All of this I learned from Frank. His adventurous spirit will be missed by all the people that crossed paths with this man.

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