Monday, May 11, 2009

Check out all the snaps.

Well I finally made it back from the mountains, I'm back in Kathmandu now, been here for about 8 hours, and it feels like I've been here for a week. But I did have a great time just going through my photos and reliving the great time and great treks of the past 3 weeks in the Solu Khumbu and Khumbu Valley. Overall I spent about a week getting up into the big mountains of the Himalayas, since I changed my flight ticket at the last minute and had to walk an extra 3 days, but it was worth it to see the villages and people of the lower hills. Once I reached the town Of Namche it was basically Mountains, passes, and valleys...and a bout of GI sickness for the next 2 weeks.

A quick summary of the trip had me crossing 3 passes over 5350 meters, and climbing up another 4 mini peaks that were all over 5350 meters. As well as a quick little visit to the circus that is Everest Base Camp, where the day I visited 5 Sherpas set the ropes to the Summit and were the first people to top out for 2009. The "highlight" of the trip was a scramble I did up Chukung Peak, up to 5830 meters, which on my watch, is 19,150 feet. It was like I could look across and touch Ama dablam and Lhotse, even though they are another world away.

For the first half of the trip I was with Jodi, a girl we met on the Annapurna circuit, so I had a trekking partner for the beginning, but our schedule and plans differed for the second half and I was rolling solo, which isn't that big of an issue, since there are guides, tea houses and lodges all over the place to answer any questions. But the trails aren't really marked, which makes me wonder where my 1000rupee park entry fee goes to...anyways.

So, check out the pictures, I hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I did taking them!

The beauty of The Himalayas.

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