Sunday, March 1, 2009

A quick update...

I made it out of Kashmir, things were starting to get a little tense, there were protests and a 2day strike. They were protesting the shooting death of 2 people by police. It seems things can be peaceful for a matter of months up there, then one thing happens and it all blows up. At the moment it is relatively peaceful though. compared to other years.

I'm in the city of Rishikish...and it held my attention for all of about 3 hours. It's full of ashrams, yoga centers, massage and ayurvedic medicine schools and hippies. It's just not really my thing. I consider the mountains and rivers my spiritual guidance. And If I want some meditation I'll go for a nice long run, that's just how I roll. The city is located right on the holy mother Ganges river though and there is some great whitewater kayaking up river. So I signed up for a 4 day course. I am a novice at the sport, but hopefully at the end of the week, I'll have the experience to run some nice rivers in the coming travels. also posted below are my pictures from the snowboarding trip to Gulmarg.

1 comment:

  1. gnarly pow. looks like you're having fun. keep the posts coming. -nat
