Saturday, March 14, 2009

New Photos, Trekking, Holi, Taj majal.

I've had a great last couple weeks. I'm down In Agra right now. Where the famous Taj Majal is. I have been up in some smaller towns farther north. In the last weeks I have been on a trek up to 4000 meters, where there was no's been a dry winter. I celebrated Holi the Hindu festival of colors, where mostly young males walk around the city throwing colored powder on each other, while the women stand on rooftops surprising you with buckets of water. Things did get a little out of hand, which I will write about shortly. I then visited a holy site on the Ganges river where Lord Shiva dropped some of her Nectar, marking a holy spot. So people now come from all over India to bath and celebrate in the fast moving water. and now as I said, in the busy city of Agra. Once the Mughal capitol of India on the 16th and 17th century, where famous men like Babur and Akbar built huge shrines and fort's. Agra is in the State of Utter Pradesh (UP). India's most populace state. There 190 million people crammed onto this fertile land. The state is actually smaller then the state of Colorado....don't believe me, look it up. Every bus, truck, Rickshaw is crammed full with dozens of people. There are people falling out the doors and windows. I have seen 30 people on the top of on already crammed bus.
Check out the pictures, I'll have more words shortly.

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