Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The daily life.

I took a field trip out to the park and beach with the school. Here are some second graders doing a sack race on concrete, instead of the beach. There was some carnage, but no tears. No crying allowed in Korea.

Near my apartment, most days after school, you'll find kids playing arcade games on the street. These games seem archaic, compared to the computer games they could be playing at a PC room.

This is my late night toasty women, which is what they call toasted sandwiches over here. She sets up shop outside a night club near my apt. Her job is to serve drunks, toasted, salty, spammy. ketchupy sandwhiches. The are pretty good, not great, but they hit the spot, and she's super nice.

The last couple weekend's have been beautiful. 65 degrees and sunny. I've net up with a group of foreigners and played beach volleyball. Last Sunday a bunch of Korean men who'd already had a few libations challenged us to a match. Us in shorts and T-shirts, them in slacks and dress shirts. We beat 'em, just barely. Then they all bought us beer which we consumed on the beach. It was great, something that would never happen in the states.

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