Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A bunch of new photos

Here are a bunch of new photo's I took this evening from the Market just up the street from me. There are some amazing things, both dead and alive at the market. All sorts of fish, octopus, seaweed, fruits, veggies, Kimchi, fish heads. etc. Usually I prefer to take photos of people with their product, bet here, the goods for sale are much more interesting, and the Ajima's, or old women who are te vendors at the markets aren;t too keen on having there picture's taken.
Also I picked up a new camera, a CanonG11. I had some bad luck with my SLR camera in Thailand, and it hasn't been the same since. So I picked up a camera that I've had my eye on for the past while.

Hopefully soon I get some other photos of my school, the fish market, Korean food, (which I love), baseball games and other tomfoolery in and about Busan.

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