Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Time to move on

The time has come, I have drank my last cup of chai,ridden my last dilapitaded bus on a dilapidated road and answered the requisite 5 questions of ant traveler in these lands. (Which country? Are you alone? Are you Muslim? where are you staying? and can I have your watch?) I am back down in Islamabad,and to my mothers relief,shortly I will be headed to the airport to catch a flight to Istanbul and "safe" places.(I'll probably get mugged in the first 3 days,while in Pakistan you're more likely to be invited over for tea and dinner.
The last couple weeks I have been bumping and jostling my way over the rough roads of the north,over the Shandoor pass to Chitral and surrounding valleys. Wherein 12 days saw as many foreigners as snow leopards...0. I have ridden in and on all sorts of transport. Buses,jeeps,grain trucks, motorcycles, mini-buses. I've met some amazing people,like the man in a small village who offered me a house on his land to come teach in his village. He put me up in his home for the night,fed me 3 great meals and invited his friends over for a night of sitar playing. I've also met some real donuts,like the kids in a small village who started throwing stones at my tent when I asked them to leave and quit begging for rupees and pens. I broke down camp and walked down the road through the beautiful valley until I met a guy who offered his home as a place to stay. Rarely do you meet bad people here,but there are always other peoples friendliness make up for it.
Overall it was a great last 2 weeks up north with more great mountain views. But I'm looking forward to moving on after nearly 6 months in the Indian sub-continent. There have been so many highlights. I have only traveled a small distance physically but I have seen so much, religiously, physically, architecturally, historically and culturally.
I would really love to expand and write all the thought that are in my head and journal, but I'm on a computer that doesn't have a functioning spacebar,which makes the typing a little tedious. maybe if i get around to it I'll post some of the highlights, or Ben's plan to fix Pakistan.
All for now, Ben

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