Saturday, April 18, 2009

New photos of Nepal and the Annapurna.

Greeting's Amigos. My dad and I just returned from the Annapurna circuit and a short visit down to Chitwan park in southern Nepal. I had a wonderful time. Met some great people on the trek, saw some of the most stunning scenery and mountains I've ever seen. The trek was a 16 day journey that covered 220 Km, what ever that is in mile, about 140 miles. We reached a height of 17,770 feet and crossed the "biggest pass in the world," what ever that means. we spend about 12 dollars a day, 95% of that on food and tea; it's a little more expensive up there, but it's damn tasty and worth the price.

Here are a bunch of photo's, mostly from the trek, but also of the trip to the jungle, as well as some of the sights around Kathmandu.

Right now, I'm relaxing around Kathmandu, getting ready for anther trek in the Khumbu region, up to the garbage pile at Everest base camp and some of the other scenic valleys. Hopefully the jet stream lifts another 1000 meters and I'll get some great views of Lhotse and Everest, and simultaneously all the climbers and their clients will be able to reach their summits. After that, only the travel and Visa gods know.

Nepal and the Annapurna Circuit

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