Friday, December 12, 2008

The First Entry

This is my first post on this Blog. I am writing this Blog to allow my family and friends keep track of what I am doing on the other side of the world. Part of me objects to writing a blog, since when you are in a far away land with so much to see, you should spend as little time as possible in front of a computer. But in the technological age and people's incessant need for updates and information I thought it would be a good idea to share some of my experiences with the world.
Plus it will give me extra incentive to get involved more than ever in the culture and scene of the places I am traveling. It's more motivation to go out and see as much as possible, take some great photographs and have great adventures. Also, i think my writing could use some sharpening up, it's been a while since those freshman English classes.
So please enjoy the blog and I hope some of you get inspired to get out, take a trip, do some traveling, get out of your comfort zone and leave your reality behind.

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