Sunday, May 2, 2010

This is a photo of my schools' principle. (On the right.) They say it's a Korean tradition to feed the principle while at a restaurant...or something like that, wll atleast that's what's going on, as one of the new first year teachers is putting food in his mouth. Also a few weeks ago I was asked to go drink soju with the principle. They ask you these things like 3 hours before they want you to do something. I said I couldn't make it...sorry. I had dinner plans with friends. Then next week I was asked again, but now I was feeling really sick and didn't want a stiff Wednesday drinking session, so again i passed. I was informed at this dinner by an English speaking teacher I was rude not to join the principle in said drinking session. But since I'm not trying to make a career at this school, I'm not too worried about it.

School dinner. Korean BBQ. You cook it yourself. It's usually pork, but this time we had some really delicious (mashita in Korean, one of the 7 Korean words I know.) beef. All these little bowls are the side dishes. Kimche, onion, sweet potato, salad, radish, hot sauce. What I like here about the food, is the price, it's cheap because you cook it your self. And there's no waiting around. After you order, BOOM, the food is on the table, no messing around with small talk.

School hike over looking the industrial port near my house. Lots of fish processing and a masive steel yard. Lots of Russians too. These Russians either look like they've just woken up after 18 hours of sleep, of just worked 18 hours, or just drank 18 shots of vodka, or all of the above for 18 years living on a ship sailing back and forth from Korea to Russia.

There's always ashtrays next to the urinal in bathrooms. That's all.

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