Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Busy, busy, busy

Once again I'm way behind in updating this little travel blog. But my excuse is that I have just been too busy. In the sense that busy is a synonym for lazy. Here is a little collection of the things that have been occupying my precious time and keeping be "busy."
In Bulgaria I was too bust staring at the topless girls on the shores of the Black sea. Also In Bulgaria I was too busy getting on a train going the wrong midnight. I probably could have been a little more thorough and figured it out, but who expects 2 trains to show up at the same time at midnight at a small station in the middle of Gypseyland, Bulgaria.
I have also been too busy forgetting my Ipod at hostels. Twice I have been at the train/bus station and realized I left it back at the hostel, which is miles away, but each time I have been able to hop on the public transport and grab it in just few minutes. I'm an idiot for doing it twice, but also lucky to get int back both times. Any time you loose an ipod its devastating, trust me Ive done it like 4 times. I have also been too busy inhaling second hand smoke. Everyone is a chimney over here, pregnant women, kids, it really doesn't matter. The smokes are super cheap, along with the beers, and most people sit around at cafes all morning, day and night enjoying a puff and a drink.
In Romania I was very busy climbing the highest mountain in the country, 2544 meters. But it's a climb. You start out at 500 meters. And I started 1 day after it had poured for 3 straight days, so there were some river crossings that were a little intense and a few times when the trail was gone completely. Luckily all I had was my Chaco sandals, so that was convenient in all the wetness. The Romania mountains have a great trail and hut system, so getting around was easy, as well as finding a place to say, even though I didn't have a tent at the time. It was a beautiful walk, it took 3 days. I stayed at 2 different locations. The second night I slept out under the starts next to a beautiful alpine lake. And the weather had cleared so I had 3 days of sun. So far Romania is my favorite place, some of the villages in the countryside are classic looking, with old houses with red tile roofs and cobblestone streets. They have really fixed the place up in the past 20 years since the fall of communism.
The last few days I have been busy sleeping at bus and train stations. My travel hasn't been the smoothest, a couple times I've finished 1 bus/train journey at 2am, only to find out the connecting route doesn't leave for 4 or 5 hours. I'm not going to find a hotel for that short amount of time, so I just roll out the sleeping bag and find a bench with the least amount of drunk Romanian weirdos around and catch a few winks! Ahh the joys of travel when you're as cheap as me!
I have been in Kosovo for the past couple of days. It's in the southern section of Serbia. It is a disputed area, like much of the old Yugoslavia and the Balkans. most of the people are Albanian, like 90%. There are still a bunch of soldiers here from NATO. I was looking for some American soldiers so I could ask them for a can of chew, but unfortunately i couldn't find any. In my couple days there I did notice that almost all the buildings are 10 years old or younger, because the old ones were bombed my Serbia. I also noticed the road names. For example, if you wanted to five someone directions in Kosovo you could say. "Walk 3 blocks down Bil Klinton Ave, then hang a right on Robert Dole street." They really hold the Yanks in high regard for helping them out.
Like much of the rest of Serbia and Eastern Europe the main past times in the summer seem to be drinking coffee and beer, smoking cigarettes and sitting in street side cafes. The ladies get all dressed up, lots of make up,nice clothes everyday and strut around town, and the guys seem to do the same thing. It all seems to be a big pose fest. One thing that's funny, at all these posh cafes and bars, they don't watch sports on the TV, they watch the fashion channel. That should only be allowed in Paris and Italy in my opinion.
I visited Belgrade, Serbia and I was too busy visiting underground bars, partying on floating clubs on the Danube river with a group of cool Aussies who gifted me a tent, which I'm super grateful for. I'm using it tonight in Montenegro. Belgrade was a cool city, not gorgeous, but the people were great.
A few other things that have kept me busy have been:
Thinking I may have contracted Giardia in Pakistan, but i think I'm past that.
Trying to figure out what's wrong with my email, it keeps sending out bogus emails to everyone in my address book.
been trying to get some couch surfing organized, but haven't had any luck so far.
Drinking cheap Machiatos in some of the numerous cafes.

Currently I'm in Montenegro, I think it's one of the newest countries in the world. I'm in the mountains, about 4 hours from the Adriatic sea. There is really nice national park up here so I'm doing a little camping with my new tent and some more hiking. I like to break it up, not just visit city after city, looking at church after church. I'll be heading over to the coast for a few days after this, And up through Bosnia and Croatia. I'll try and update this thing a little more ofter, it's pretty easy when all the hostels have free internet! I'm off to find some dinner, more than likely a large piece of meet with a couple tomatos and a piece of salty bread. Mmmmmm, delicious, and I'll was it down with a 50 cent beer.

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